Sianz, 1 holiday on top af another. Anyway, its also my grandfather's birthday today(Oh mine I dont noe his age). So we went to suntec city... by car.... Sianz, looking for trouble. Half way super heavy rain so muz go slower. Then gt traffic jam go even slower. Take 1 hr plus finally reach. Then car park is flooded. So have to go round the car park a few round untill found a remote place where it's deserted...
Then is 3.20p.m. le... sianz still havnt eat lunch.... The place darn crowded so have to spend 20 min finding seat. Then went to carrefour... Bought some stuff tat i dont remeber wat is it.
Then, gotta celebrate grandsfather's bd. So go some hotel where there was a buffet. Now become resturant le, high class 1 somemore. Ate till stomach nearly burst le then came bak home.
Only then hear news say got a few stuff happening at suntec
- Book fair
- PC fair
- Quit smoking consultation
Lol?? Site counter said if I removed the links, it will stop working. But its still work what??? What are those ppl thinking??? Arg, school holidays, the harvesting field for sianzness. Lol, sianz. Suddenly com games feel so sianz. Dunno why. No maths for a month or so, sianz, what am I going to do during that 1 hr? Sleep in class?
I am sianz, so I decided to fix the link prob, usually, the links in the link list opens in a new window. For other ppl, thats not a prob. For me, it is since I dont remeber blog adress so I have to keep clicking back to get to another adress. Anyway, if normal html is used, you simply just have to add 'target="blank"' to the link element. But, blogger found out that many people want it to be easier to organise the blog so it changed to blogger BETA. Sianz lah, change for wat. Now the html is filled with stuff like <b.widget>. Arg...
Anyway there are still a few ways to make links open in new windows
- Forget about the link list and make a link list urself(with html). This allows you to meddle wif the code and add target="blank"
- Add <base target="main">to between <head> and </head>. However all the links in the page will open in new windows
- Click here and look at the last reply
Anyway, I am very sianz.
Went to school, got report card... Very sianz leh, all same 1:
Ok, tats is I anyhow write 1.
Subject | CA | Exam | Final |
BL1101 | A- | C | B |
BL1103 | B+ | D+ | B- |
CH1101 | B | B+ | B |
CM1101 | B+ | A- | B+ |
EL1101 | B | B+ | B+ |
FA1101 | B- | NA | B- |
GE1102 | B | B | B |
IS1101 | B+ | NA | B+ |
MA1105 | A- | B | B+ |
MA1106 | B- | C+ | C+ |
MA1107 | A | B | A- |
PC1101 | B | B+ | B |
For those who dunno what the MA12344 or sth like tat is, here's a list
- BL1101
- Basics of Cell Biology
- BL1103
- Nutrition and the Human Alimentary Canal
- CH1101
- Higher Chinese 1A
- CM1101
- Properties of Matter
- EL1101
- Introduction to Language Skills
- FA1101
- 2D Level 1
- GE1102
- People, Place & Nation
- IS1101
- How Science and Scientists Work
- MA1105
- Number Systems
- MA1106
- Alegebra, Indices & Surds
- MA1107
- Logic and Sets
- PC1101
- Introductory General Physics
Went back to primary school, 2 times over the last 2 days and nver see my pri 6 teacher. So pro. I went cause my brother got some stuff to settle at school so followed(At least that helped wif the security guard issue.)
So much changes....- Teacher's eating area flooded wif plants le
- Office change wallpaper le
- Hall fan change to more powerful type le...
(Dun care anyway, I always sit at back stage blow fan 1.... Sianz)
Tried to see if the audio box I was in charge of is still there, a teacher spotted me before I almost broke the glass with my head...
And, I saw my school's admission poster at my primary school! Lol, why this year camp muz be in July??? And not like 1stJune like last year??? Sianz
Brother go learn 武术... How to survive like tat??
Sianz lah
And, there's a water spout at East Coast. Lol.

Lol,the ship look like it kanna hit nia. Sianz? So what next? Sudden huge amount of water falling form the sky?? Fish dropping down??? Salty rain for a week????
Arg, I borrow a book from the library to learn html... Its susposed to teach you everthing you nid to know in 24 hours.(Lol, Hwa Chong had a whole term course when I am here taking only 24 hours.)But then, its due tmr and I haven't read half yet. Thats compressing 12 hours into one afternoon... (ALL BECAUSE OF THE EXAM!!!!!!!)
Also, it's a good book that you would want to keep and refer but unluckly its a library book.
Also, blogger uses XHTML and XML while school eport uses a very9999999999 old version of html. Lol, two of them so much difference. Copy code from blogger paste eport messes up everything. And, eport put tabs in caps...
So extra.
Today, is my school's bonding day, at west coast. It's also the last day of school, yeah! Haha, two extra days! Anyway, west coast was so hot! Arg, luckily I got preparations, got a mini fan, have a bottle of ice cubes with icy water, and a tower. If not my mother gonna ask me if there rain or not le, cause if then kanna look like jumped into sea.
Anyway, it was still fun. We have a few activities.
First, we were divided into 2 and played some war game. Each group has to guard a treasure while the other group tries to take it. The a pack of chips................ But there is a line separating the two groups. When we crossed to the other side, we can be freezed by the other team. In the end, due to the fact that we all guard too much liao.
Next, we had guess the correct sequence. Memory work, though we like to let the other team do the job then we continue.
Then, we played scissors, paper, stone............ Boys vs Girls. Nice job Berton, pwnage nia. They got to run for some long diatance, haha
Then, went for some climb before going to Mac....
Then we got some balloons. Burst more than I pumped....
Haiz, results finally come out liao. All I know is, I did badly. Lets see, I failed maths exam(not the module), and bio exam also fail. Surprisingly, I passed physics. Dotz, like tat, compared to my primary school results, I have deproved like siao. But, it's probably not a fair comparision...
And, I have no idea why but I can't remember most of my scores. Sianz.
And my mentor remarks says:
"Yichen is a modest student. He can learn to speak up more in class."
What!!!??? Modest!!!!?????? Sianz lah, that is so untrue, my friends say I show off dunno how many times le...

Ok, I know its very late liao, but at least I got watch.
Some stuff I thought about it:
- The black costume is cool!
- Half the stuff all misunderstanding one... Proves that human don't think twice...
- I am so unobservant, didn't realise the guy's flying stuff have blades on it till the very end.
Ok, tats about the movie.
Here, is wat I hate about watching movies itself.:
- Sit so long, movie finish le can stand liao.
- So long in the dark come out like midnight like tat.
Anyway, when I was on my way home, I saw this:
School of The Arts sth like tat)
nvm, but its still under construction.....
Arg... Stupid cold. Two weeks liao, still having runny nose. Haiz. Even my dustbin all full le.
And, I can't go swimming. Haven't went for swimming for a few weeks le... Gonna become very very very slow...
Anyway, I added the friend test and has began to add links.
- Friend test
- Just go try, note that full marks is actually 90 as last one is a bonus question.
- Links
- I need you to help by doing the following
- Link me!
- Write ur address in my cbox so I can link you too!
Ok, fine. I was not thinking when I said end of June. It looks like I have already done all the code stuff. So maybe I will start posting then.... But some people would say that I get a better blogskin and many other stuff, blah blah blah .
- Blogskin
- Couldn't find any I like. I like to put stuff on normal stuff instead of having a better version. Anyway, this is somthing I will consider after I know CSS well.(Which is a long time from now
- Songs
- Hate em, so... no. I mean I always browse the web wif the speaker muted.
- Taggers
- That is not up to me. You can't have everone to agree wif you. But for your infomation, my math teacher have more so many messeges in his tagboard that it pwns those boards with spammers
- More codes
- Yup, I will continue to add more codes(CBOX in a way is a code to me so you get the idea)But its take a bit of time to find and cuztomise them.
And, that shld be all
PS:Drop ur blog adress in the tagboard, I am working on the links now.
Ah, my new blog, juz created, which means that I have only clicked a few times. Currently under constrtuction. No worries, I wouldn't really start posting until it is fully constructed.
And, by fully consructed I mean end of June(hopefully), and that the stuff fits me.(My desktop is filled with gatgets and that fits me.) If you happen to come by this constuction site, then check back at end of June, should be done.