Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Today is youth day celebration cum carnival cum speech day at my school. Spech day is all give prize, some ppl really get a lot nia. Then the carnival... Hu qinxi no money so stay class play CS... They spent $450 to get a dunking machine nia. Tat is, u sit on a plank then ppl throw ball at target, if hit liao u drop into the water tank lol. Then they invite teachers hehehe. First is use tennis ball. Then when they found tat it just take too long, they used a bigger version, the basketball. Got to change money into tokens... All funds go to charity(and to cover up the cost itself). They so pro, 1 basketball $5 leh. Then invite principal... Then become pay $20 get 5 tries with basketball. principal raised $100 nia(gt dunked 5 times, so pro). Then got store sell water bombs... Got soaked after some 1 decided tat mass bombing was fun. That store probably collected tons since people are taking revenge again and again after that. And a teacher was seen stoking up to 15 and er.. u noe. so unfair student only can buy 5 each time. Then got bored of bombs used bottles: simply uncap, put it over a persons head and turn it upside down, but then no mass bombing... cause if u did u will be engulfed in bombs. anyway, near the end since evry1 also wet le, ppl wan try to be dunked, then the lower the prices... $3 for 2 tries. That marked my first dunking, yeah. Then got show movie in theartte(theme for the event was pirates...) old ones like pirates of the carribean 1 & 2, cant show 3 anyway. $5 for 2 show... Still worth cause gt
- Air-con
- Last row seat
- 2 movie wif 1 only on DVD now
- Cinema-like effect
- Scene where people throw pineapples
Monday, June 25, 2007
Today is birthday, also first day of school. so of course gt HW but luckily no nid hand in tmr. PE lesson pwned me, couldn't even climb a staircase wifout saying oww. Then physics lesson on speed run somemore...and found that a T.Rex would seroiusly pwn us all. Math not too difficult yet. Chinese is the same, sianz. At least no nid slack like wan die like tat anymore. Lok on the bright sight.....
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Anyway i am bad at rembering my life, dont even rember last year birthday. use blog help lol... its common for this to happen:
Me:Blah Blah Blah
Friend:You told me tat already
Me:Huh, really ar??
Oh well, tats me.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
Oh yeah, finshed the html course in 2 mins( wif 5hrs of preparation time.) But then its still very fast. Then went for the quiz, 18/20. Learnt some new tags like <span style:"font-family:....."> Soon or ltr this days the <font face="..."> stuff is gonna get removed. Anyway, time to keep up with W3C XHTML next(i wan learn flash, javascript, css, c++, basic.... )
Friday, June 15, 2007
Holidays, nth to do, so sianz. Nothing to do so nothing done. Nothing doneso nothing to write (or type). Its all eat, sleep, slack, slack some more, eat some more, and slack again.... Haiz sianz
Friday, June 08, 2007
Finally decided to clean my room, they are nearly making their way to the keyboard, no way thats gonna happen. Holiday quickly over!!! Its making too sianz to do almost everthing. Just hope it end before "breathe" come onto the list. Anyway, since the textbooks is can use for 3 years one, so no nid worry bout them. "Archived" all my worksheets. From a huge pile to a relativly small pack. Now I hav saved space, nid to find space to store this pack...Hmm...
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
At least this is sth to me that is not so sianz. The not yet offically released new messenger. Vista interface nia. Currently under BETA phrase development by microsoft.... Here's how it look like:

Here's the chat window:

Functions are more or less the same, but its cooler, and MSN plus still work. Yeah, not sianz.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
I found out that many other people are also very sianz. Really, those ppl write some crap codes, virus, trojan, worms, programs, bugs, crack....... and put them on the net. So sianz hor, got a lot of time to write crap codes hor. Then put on net ppl com get infected by the crap stuff. Then these crap stuff find their way to spammers, and they spam those ppl com. Now those ppl have the extra job of deleteing spam. Then those security company find them and spend more time to prevent it. In the end its we ppl who have to get more security. What do those ppl write the codes get? Nothing at all. So they get nothing and cannot watch the virus spread liao become sianz again. Then the whole process repeats. LOL.
Name | Number |
Jingwen | 29 |
Mocha | 23 |
Myself(Not counted) | 7 |
Danny | 1 | JunQi(Ah ma) | 1 |
Comon, some pwn Jingwen, Sianz lah, use an autoclick lah.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Here's a question ,
Am I a freak?
If yes, good you noe me.
If no, I suggest you screw of for now.
Sth else
My favourite word: Sianz
My favourite phrase: Screw you
My favourite sentence:Oh thats kinda of sad, now is it not?
My favourite hobby: Screw up my computer data and fixed them back
My favourite person: Can't think of 1, if give multiple choice, I roll dice and see.
My favourite object: What else, my computer's micro-processors.
My room is being taken over by rubbish. Gonna have to clean it up soon, but too sianz to do so. As long as dont block computer screen can le.
This few days, there are a few ah mas in the tag board. Pls lah, its a blog, not old folks home, wanna nag at ppl try ur grandchildren. Anyway, when did ah mas start to pursue lastest stuff. Gay man.
Anyway, see my second post before you ah mas start to nag again. AND if you are really sianz then by all means go to the community center where there are lots of old folks to talk to, no have to try and cheer me up by say that u read my post. I rather no1 read them actually. Dead blogs are not that bad to me.
And for those pps whos say that the colour hurts ur eyes, its really kinda sad isn't it? Well then, just be gone as I dont hand out medical fees.