Wednesday, July 29, 2009
today was a random holiday for our sch so since i dun hav much homework( theres physics and CS quiz tmr, but wat can you study for those..... physics allows a A4 cheatsheet and CS is old game), so i went to orchard and watched ice age 3 wif derek and yx, not bad lah i would say
met physics teacher on mrt on the way bak
currently trying to make my file thinner, since i hav alr mentioned sometime earlier that if i wack you wif it, you'll be out cold for some time
Monday, July 27, 2009
went to the doctor, had got flu for a whole week alr, and basically, i'm advised to drink hot water, which means i hav to run down all the way to the canteen and back up within 3 mins (time between when 1st teacher leaves and 2nd teacher cmes...) and you should hav vigourous exercise when you hav flu right, not bad -.-
i almost regretted taking HPC quest, cause if i didn't i'll be totally free, for now at least
Saturday, July 25, 2009
ytd, wat happen ar? oh ya chem pract
so we're juz seeing the properties of organic compounds, hexane, cyclohexene and toluene, which somehow are all poisonous and cause cancer, so we had to cram all our stuff in the fume carboard, so it was hard to see much.
HJ's phone rang in class and since he was on crunches he could reach it ................ , he went to the hospital at 2.30 so i did the rest of the stuff myself, teacher burned there 3 hydrocarbons
spilled hexane on my glove and had to change them, and in the end since i had to clean HJ's tubes too, i made the wrong choice to take 5 tubes to clean at once( you hav to clean in the fume carboard with acetone and dump it into a bottle), and er one of them slipped when i was bak at my table, ouch, 2nd breakcage ever since i was here
tanked 4 hrs w8ing for astro, walked-around
dinner with qx, he joking around with praveer, making me laughin like crap
astro was on some talk about astrophotography, we noe how to take pictures now, we juz dun hav the very expensive stuff needed -.-
didn't sleept well last night, kept waking up and dreamt a lot too, hmm, i dun usually dream at all
Thursday, July 23, 2009
email bak again, it was down since somedude decided to complain about the student council and suddenly got lots of random spam zzzzzz
went to hpc, got pwned, ate dinner, got pwned by the fregging lemon........................... sianz
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
chinese o level listening, zzz since its broadcasted by radio at 3.00,we sat in the hall listening to music for 1/2 and hr zzzzzzz listening is just listening, some creeping easy passage with some fregging indirect qns......
anyway, i was going to the first floor wif derek and his friends in the morning, he walked a bit faster so when we reached the first floor we cant see him, so i was wondering whee he is till i suddenly saw him round the corner. i think i jumped backwards with my hands in front, must've look funny, if not he shld hav stopped laughing by now
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
got this weirld physics question from teacher

so use conservation of energy, so h = 2r, but teacher said its wrong, HJ pointed out that in that case the car would stop at the top instead, so h>2r
but after sometime, thought that if the speed at the top was too low, the car would fall off, so let the speed required for the car to stay up there be x. after some weirld equations, increasing h by r/2 would increase the speed by x, so thus h > 2.5r
seem too easy hmmm....., any1 has any other answers, circular motion is not susposed to be so simple..... so i dun think its right
Sunday, July 19, 2009
watched potter, at bishan, so crowded that even first row gt ppl, not bad i would say, comedy included as usual, though i prefer watching harry potter in sch, more sound effects, make stuff even more funny
lets see:
-their art of cutting is so pro that i think half the stuff got pwned
-parkison is not ugly enuf
-inferi not sadistic enuf(looks too normal alr)
-freggin lame reason for ginny to get closer, shoelaces zzz
-someone screamed for the hand thing, though i suspect it was my bro, since it came from directly left and it sounded like him too
-wheres the riddle from chambers of secrets?
-and oh ya, on the astronomy tower b4 harry and dumbledore left, someone was reflected by the glass on the right and could be seen walking around, might be camera crew eh?
tats all, now hav to write chinese compo......... 一位难忘的老师,zzzzzzz, how the heck am i susposed to write..... nvm write bout yow yoke mooi, since i enjoyed math class so much(not paying attention and doing my own stuff)
Friday, July 17, 2009
normal stuff today, barely rmbed wat happened in english, maths was about functions, teacher was revising the last lesson first, i looked at the whiteboard and realised that i rmbed most of the stuff, so i started to lose some focus, untill the teacher told me to answer a qns. i wasn't fully focused yet when for some reason i just said the ans, and of course i got pwned ehehe, physics, normal stuff, equation qns, equation qns, and oh ya theres a quiz, and we're allow to bring a 1 sheet paper to use as cheatsheet. i would write in font size 2 and bring a magnifying glass but theres not much thats need to be rmbed anyway, chem bit of a joke, whenever the teacher talks the numatic(probably wrong spelling) jackhammer above starts rattling and it stops the moment he stops, lol. since part of the module is on organic chem, we're learning polymers, which are chains of carbon atoms that from a macromolecule, then the video just kept showing more and more chains, "Getting boring eh?", thats wat the chem teacher said, but somehow after a while it gets funny...... and mind you, i wasn't the only one that starts to think its funny.
currently doing bio, susposed to do a flipbook to show the entire mitosis process in detail frame by frame, and i'm just at frame 4 -.-, last year some dude did 50 frames....... and i juz realised that my post is like a whole bunch of chromatin, but i dun bother to arrange them into chromosomes
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
found some random paper weight stone outside 304 classroom, on the corridor railing, zzz later fall off, joked around wif it, in the end it caused me to think about polygons on the mrt zzz
yan sheng explained the matrix multiplication stuff to us, freggin cheem crap, now even math is in 2d++ alr, zzz as if physics wasn't enuf
saw 2 dead birds near clementi, bad omen, i always tio pwn when i see dead birds, happens once a year or so, now gt 2 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
mentor told us that we are "advised" to arrange our tables in single rows, so we said our giant square tables are too big to do that, then there happen to be 20+ small tables outside..... but in the end as we spam too much reasons on how ineffective and inconvinient it would be, we kept the current arrangement, ehehe
Monday, July 13, 2009
chinese O lvl oral -.-, got some weirld passage on not being greedy and some qns about cip....
*translated, Does your school organise any CIP activities, talk about your experience and about what you have gained from them.
teacher didn't even explain about qns like tat, but it was easy enough, though the teacher seem a bit overly interested and started cutting me across with random qns such as if i explain the astronomy crap to a specifyed group of person or any1..... zzz wats that got to do with anything, lot like you could expand andything out of it -.-
HJ's bak, though his leg would take a while to heal
Sunday, July 12, 2009
recently, i've found that i hav suddenly lost the ability to comment on things, whenever theres sth, i wouldn;t be able to hav any comments.... my point? i've been try to think of sth to write for some crappy chinese review and after 3 hrs i get nth -.- sianz
Friday, July 10, 2009
2 days ago, the notebook which i record my HW has two lines in it, now it has 3/4 of a page of contents zzzzzzzzzzzz, nvm chillz, can finish one
not the first time i was right
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
bio pract, as part of the genetics stuff, we're susposed to study wat happens to the dna and stuff when the cell undergoes division, or as they like to call it, mitosis.....
so we stained some onion roots(and my index finger, though not for observation purposes), killed myself with the smell from the dye, put it under the microscope and count how many types of each cell are there(in their diff division stages)........ and besides the huge number of cells where nth interesting happens and a slightly lesser number for almost split, theres fregging no trend.... still cut my lunch damit....
and we took temperature in lab, though if i'm not wrong ur not susposed to stuff things inside ur mouth while in the lab
Saturday, July 04, 2009
this term we are doing physcial chem II, which includes a topic called organic chemistry. Since its organic, it's part bio, since its bio theres memory work, since its memory work i dun like it zzzz, like the first lesson hav to rmb 14 different terms to describe how the bonds are formed zzzz, and theres fregging no link between them..... so hav to mug...... damit, nvm lets try and see if i rmb alr
alkane C-C
alkene C=C
alkyne C=-C(zzz bo triple bond)
alkyl halide C-X(where x is a halogen)
benzene ring C-C=C-C=C-C=(back to the first C to form a ring)
alcohol C-OH
ether C-O-C
ester O=C-O
carboxylic acid O=C-OH
alyhyde(zzz cant rmb alr) H-C=O(was it single or double? ......)
ketone C=O
amide O=C-N
amine C-N
nitrille(forgot too) C=-N
damit, if i ever come bak and look at this, it'll remind me to appreciate all this crap
anyway, my top right molar is grinding my gum right below it...... then suddenly not pain liao, think might hav accidentally bitten the part off while sleeping.... but that doesn't explain the lack of blood.... hmm
Thursday, July 02, 2009
today, we had java programing, and since its the first lesson, all you hav to do is copy the code, compile it run it, see wat happens and thus learn wat the code does. however since you hav noe idea wat would happen, someone would get pwned. there was this program were by its called password test, it simply shows you the password entering dialogue and display wat you hav typed to prove it worked, so someone was smart enough to enter her real password and kaboom.......
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
my sch is trying to build some specialised labs on the 6th storey, the problem is, my classroom is on the 5th storey, so we were having bio, teacher was explaining stuff. Then the numatic jackhammer started rattling and we could hear anything else....... in the end teacher got bit pissed and zao to bio lab on the 3rd storey, and if i'm not wrong the stuff would only stop round november -.- zzzzzzzz
anyway math teacher was also kinda pissed, did a crackdown on latecomers by locking the doorz(dunno y all the math teacher all so evil 1), 2 people ran into juz 1 min early, and 2 more gt pwned, aww
com sci lesson started, Java OOP....., sounds ok but i think the functions are too long, lazy type