Tuesday, September 29, 2009
chem teacher is bak, wb
"What the universal gas constant?"
"Wow, you people ....... really have no life."
lolz, the constant is provided in the quiz, which is a good thing, since i've stored the constant in my calc some time ago and didn't bother to rmb it after that
and physics pract today is zzzzzzz, you pour water into a rubber tube, scribble stuff on paper and get this awsome equation V/A=h
"Do so much get this primary 5 thing." - HJ
got bored so we played with the colouring and look at how dyes diffuse through the water, other people made coke(or at least sth that resembles coke almost 95%), and spilled hexane and killed themselves
Monday, September 28, 2009
wah, history tio pwned sia, 15/25, last qns nvr finish, reliablity dunno why screw up, haiz, w8 for teacher upload answer scheme then see wat happen.
when i was in sch i thought today die alr, sure get spammed by homework, till i found that nth is due tmr -.-, i thought i gonna tank till 12+ again zzzzz
tmr hav chem quiz(i think) about gas laws, so erm.... PV=nRT, R=8.134, apply all in SI unit. k, dne, unit conversion use my awsome calc to handle(except that i dun noe where my awsome calc, might hav left it in sch.....), rest use algebra skillz all can derive
Saturday, September 26, 2009
headache was killing me for the whole day ytd, since the CO was having a concert and at night from 7-9, and my cca is from 7-9, i couldn't go and chill, soo.... i went to chill at their rehersal instead. sitting on the chair in the air-coned audi would obviously cause my head to ache less then walking around the sch. can see the CO did a lot of last minute chionging, with the teacher getting pissed and ppl shouting like "CLOSE THE CURTAINS" lulz.
and since some ppl decided to take the chance and pon astro, only have round half the ppl. go up the observatory but the thing is spoiled, so Mr Tien taught me a little bit of calculus, lol
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
was thinking about wat to write for chi, then heard some weird sound. turned around and found this giant crockroach on the wall. went to wack it and it ran away. went to gas it out and wacked it again. freggign epic roach, insecticide + wack 6 times still can move 1. wat kind of fregging mutant roach is this? zzzz
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
flu medicine causes drowsiness, so i was freggin drowsy in class and couldn't catch much..... and during break i tried to sleep but couldn't, though i still feel drowsy zzzz? sianz
Sunday, September 20, 2009
tio flu, no wonder these few days keep like so tired, and sometimes when i walk up the stair i'll just suddenly stumble backwards for no reason.... and today my leg will ache like crap at totally random times, lol
went to the istana, walk around, saw the president, left. last time i went there i was some little kid, and all i rmb is this bridge with a sign telling you not to cross and i really wanted to walk on it. its still there, lol
happy birthday to my mother, and HJ. i almost forgot, since i dun even noe today's date earlier on.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
lols, people all quite jokez today
chinese class
“为吃饭而生活, 就成了饭桶了。 为生活而吃饭。。。。。。”
math class
"Want to talk raise your leg, impossible right? So don't talk."
anyway, got bak that epic fail cs test, teacher gave me lots of spare marks, so in the end scrapped a 20, out of 30
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
bio prac, susposed to do chi-square test, and we hav sorghun tobacco and corn seedlings. and since we hav to count them, we hav to pluck them all out zzzzz, and to prevent wastage, bio teacher allowed us to bring the plants that we plucked out home.
then ppl wanted to bring the tobacco seedlings home, but obviously tat wasn't allowed. packed the soil and sorghun for HJ, and it really looked like prata and spring onions lols
forgot to mention, there was this mummified corn club, been around for two years alr, and it still looks like you could cook it and eat it for breakfast
"Don't you dare bring that one home. We flown it in all the way from America." - Ms Fong
traded my corn with derek's sorghun, now i hav a mass of them, yea let them grow for a few months and brew wine with them -.-
some talk about discoveries due to needs in defence, lots of cool stuff, self-driving cars, high energy lazer guns, robotic arms directly controlled by the brain, communications, vaccines etc
"This document is actually quite easy to read, we wrote it for the Congress." lols, that guys from america
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
zzzzzzzzzzzzzz? they push back history test again, its alr been pushed back continously for a month alr -.-, its getting freggin ridiculous, i condemn this act, even though that has no effect watsoever
tmr is bio quiz, mendel and the stuff he discovered. punnett squares are so popular that any table like thing is a punnet square to ZY. and guess wat, the quiz has 1 question, only zzz
Monday, September 14, 2009
back gate totally pwns, since they installed a roll gate, only 1 person can go out at 1 time, which causes it to jam all the time. so eventually, ppl juz stick their cards there forever and it'll keep on turning, which makes things faster. untill today, when eveyone was released at 5, the method caused the system to overload and as a result it was fregging slow, and thus the crowd keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger and ppl was still stuck halfway through the gate. i the end i hecked and chionged through the front gate instead. zzzzzz
Sunday, September 13, 2009
sch starts, and tmr , as welcome gifts, i hav math makeup(due to AIO), history test(since we forced the teacher to push it back untill we couldn't force him anymore) bio extra lesson(susposed term 4 no bio, so teacher chionging), and possibly bio quiz. wat a warm welcome bak.You noe, the feeling is becoming increasing overwhelming, i cant hold it bak much longer at this rate. or perharps i shouldn't, it seems so unneccessary at this point. i dunno wat to do.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
wtf, suddenly become damn tired and breathless, and feel dam hot too.... just now like lie down alr cant sit up..... zzzzz, dunno wat happen
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
went to chill at dereks house, swimming, actually when derek goes swimming its called playing with water. played risk, swarmed ppl, cme bak
maybe i shld start with the bio assignment, hmmm
Monday, September 07, 2009
physics test lulz, i dun like the qns, so gay 1, wan kill ppl then play properly lah, why set qns set until liketat. but since almost everyone had took the test, teacher told me all the solutions after the test, so i wont even nid to feel the suspense or hope i got sth correct or wrong. 2 mcq(rate of change of momentum -.-) and 1 structure(hinges -.-) confirm die alr. but at least other qns almost sure correct 1 and i noe how do the qns now alr. talked to teacher about eplitical orbits and got pwned about if theres torque(shld hav right).
today, yea, today is my physics test, ltr at 9am, so freggin weird posting after 12,
anyway, i was told by both the teacher and my friends that the test was designed to kill ppl, but i strongly believe in the idea tat "physics cannot die 1". even if will die also cant do much, mug also no use. hopefully i have enuf brainpower to pwn it, hopefully....
momentum, impulse, circular motion, rotational motion, torque, gravitation
first 3 still ok, others..... erm..... nvm, sianz
Friday, September 04, 2009
hpc quest finals, didn't get anything, lulz, but at least ponned a bit of sports day(this sem they're declaring war on camperz, but ppl like derek and HJ are awesome camperz, so they still can camp)
and for the hpc quest, 3rd prize is alr 1 psp, each -.-, though some ppl almost regretted doing too good, lol
holiday, maths make-up nid schedule, physics make-up on monday ......
Thursday, September 03, 2009
they didn't tell me they're camping at the sc rm tmr too, thus i had to carry that creeping blazer with me today, lucky got cover, so can just throw anywhere
anyway, aio was fregging easy -.-, finished 1 hr before time and was freezing to death, in the end i went away early and rushed in half-way through chem lesson
chem was about the egg in the bottle, you noe how to get an egg into a bottle without pushin it and thus using the flame and stuff? the primary sch explanation whereby oxygen is used up is bullcrap, since a equal amt of CO2 is produced anyway. that was some qns tat the teacher juz refused to answer in pri sch, but the real explanation is some mechanism regarding gases.
anyway the last question was now tat you got the egg in, how do you get it out, and we went crazy and talked about how to use another bottle, burn paper in that bottle, w8 till the egg was half way between the 2 bottles and pull the bottles apart. tat was until we realised we could've juz turned the bottle upside down and heat it -.-
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
lulz, mini model un, jokerz, ppl keep try sabo others, in the end
Chair:"Please do not try and sabotage your classmates."
and in the end most ppl abstained from voting for the resolution and thus it failed
while we are still at the UN

Tuesday, September 01, 2009
its rather cold tonight, ok,i should switch off my fan, its making it worse
tmr is the umber-mini model UN conference, according to HJ this kind of thing is like open war 1, but looking at my class people, its probably gonna be a tea party