Sunday, May 30, 2010

parents bought some ownage camera and a tripod.

it is so ownage that the instructions manual is 130+ pages -.-, had some fun making ghostly pictures


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

argh..... i think..... i'm gonna wash the ice maker so i can use it agn tmr........

found a way to kill the stinging in my left eye, yay?


Monday, May 24, 2010

SIMC opening ceremony, 1.5hrs. Going to school 1.5hrs, going back home 1.5hrs.

School came up wif weird ideas again, lolz. The dot on the "i" was a big red button -.-. (Last time they launched a book, launch here takes both meanings, they had a catapult in the audi, and they sold copies of the book later)

Anyway, the math prof was the guest of honour, and he gave us a problem:

You are given 100 envelopes, each of them contains an amount of money. The envelopes are randomly arranged and given to you one by one. For each envelope, you open it and look at the amount inside. Then you decide if you want to move on to the next envelope or just take the sum and walk away. You may not touch the envelopes you've decided to reject anymore.

Qn: Find a way to maximise the amount you can get from this situation.

Solution: Its quite weird.:
Take the sample size, in this case ur number of envelopes, which is 100. Divide this by Euler's number, e = 2.71..... This number in this case should be round 37. So, you reject the first 37 envelopes. Then after that, as long as you find a envelope containing more money than any of the 37, you accept that envelope.

This is supposed to be the optimum way to do this and would give you the best chance of getting as much money as possible, but it does not assure that you do. I have no idea how it works though.


Friday, May 21, 2010

english is a year long module, so its not included in this sem's CAP

as a result, i got 4.8/5 ehehe, though i still that i screwed up my chem exams a bit too much, coz i got A- for overall ......


Thursday, May 20, 2010

SJChO preparation -.-, totally forgot all the crap i learnt in year two, only thing i can rmb is
["Funnel!" - Mr. Imbufe] or sth like tat. tiltration...... zzzzzzzzz


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

lolz air rifling. i phailed quite badly, 78 for 10 shots zzzz

that thing has no recoil at all though, you can actually fire a round without even realising that you did, becoz every1's spamming away and the trigger is dam light

anyway, at the end, we had "some" extra rounds. i counted the score card, there were 46 holes excluding a giant hole near the middle, at least 20+ could fit in that. and er you load the ammo 1 by 1, each time you shoot, hehe. and apparently 500 rounds costs $6.50, together wif the tin, zzzzz


Monday, May 17, 2010

went to sch, was late, "listened" to some talk, slacked, went to astro(and slacked), went home

sch brought exams forward to week 7 - theres still like reports due on week 6 - so we could do this sort of crap ???


Thursday, May 13, 2010

its not like you dun know or dun understand, the qns aren't that hard, but ...........

at least physics isn't as bad, bio tmr.....


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

last exam ended.......


Friday, May 07, 2010

most of the exams ended, feel so screwed, like i didn't even finish chem and had like 30min extra for biod....

thermod on tues, but to mug all the way till then would be seriously no life. i summarised like everything that i nid to know and it all fitted into one side of the A4. and its full of empty spaces, not like Stellar evolution -.-


Wednesday, May 05, 2010

lolz cell bio.... feels a bit like SJChO, full of smart guesses. I dun noe why but these few days i juz get the feeling that i'm screwing my exams up.

but then again, i got into round 2 for SJChO, hehehe, so aiya cell bio also cannot die 1 lah


Tuesday, May 04, 2010

today's exams.....

chinese, ...... lets not talk about chinese

math, ..... i have this general screwed up feeling about the paper, most likely due to the weird answers. i realised that all the questions i did not do are only worth 5-6 marks together, seemed so many. bah, anything above 42/65 is pretty safe i think, coz my CA pwns hehe....


Saturday, May 01, 2010

revising biodiversity is like learning a new language -.-
sarcopterygii...... dotz
