Wednesday, June 30, 2010
i'm getting hooked onto calculas zzzzzz.
it's like during break, if no 1 in class decides to get people to go play random stuff like netball or stuff like tat, after a while i'll start taking out my math notes and start to spam all the examples zzzzz.
teacher's at product rule for differentiating, i'm doing sin(ax+b) alr -.-. But Alex pwns, he finished like the entire chapter.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Today happens to be my birthday lolz, dun really care. It's Micheal Jackson's death anniversary too lolz.
Anyway, i'm back from china. quite awesome, experienced a lot of different things. it would be much better if the air quality was better though, almost everywhere i go theres juz this greyish white fog covering the sky.
lots of stuff got pwned though. i lost my black converse shirt, dam. my bro lost his handphone. the camera charging cable went missing. my handphone lcd cracked (and i was randomly spaming keys on it after that). we lost the camera tripod attachment thing. ya so quite phail.
Day 1: 10 June
Took the plane, watched Sherlock Holmes, interesting movie.
Arrived in Pu Dong(浦东) Shanghai in the afternoon and went to the house my aunt rented. she rented it coz it was right beside my cousin's high sch, but she juz graduated so in fact she's gonna return the house the very next day lolz.
Coped the red-cyan 3d glasses from the newspaper.
Day 2: 11 June
We were going to take a train to Nanjing, but we had to take the Metro(Shanghai's MRT, lolz) to the train station first.
However, they had sercurity checks at the station and you had to get ur bags scanned before you board. We were carrying a bag for my grandparents but forgot to ask for the key and it happened that there were some random bottles inside. Then the old man checking the screen refused to let us pass till we tell him what excatly was inside.
Arrived in Nanjing at noon and went to my grandma's (father's mother) house. That place is awesome, full of antiques. There this modified umbrella handle that my grandpa made and now its used as the handle you use to raise ur bamboo poles. Theres a 70 year old stool tat once belonged to a landlord, 40 yr old sewing machine(my other aunt in Nanjing order parts from the internet to fix it), food ration coupons and a whole load of other random stuff.
Day 3: 12 June
Uncle took us for a ride to 六合, which is in the country side. The drivers in China are kinda crazy and funny, they do anything lolz. Went to this lake called 金牛湖. Rented a quadcycle(i really hav no idea wat to call it) and rode around the mountain.
We boarded the train again at night, slept on the train.
Day 4: 13 June
Woke up and got off at a town, i forgot the name. Took a bus to 曲阜, where the confucian temple is.
Some taxi driver offered to take us there for 5 RMB. My mother got some info from the web saying that the temple's only 300m from the bus station and thought that the taxi driver was scamming. It happened that there was a old station, 300m away from the temple. The new one's 5km away lolz.
Went to Taishan(泰山) in the afternoon. Met a funny taxi driver. All along the way he talked about how ppl go to taishan for religous purposes and then he stopped right in front of a jotstick shop lolol. My father suspects the shopkeeper is his relative.
Took a bus to the middle and climbed they rest. Tiring, but not GG HELL yet(GG HELL is wat my watchmates call OBS).View was quite awesome, and theres a Jade Emperor temple at the top lolz.
Day 5: 14 June
Woke up and went to watch the sunrise. It was cold so had to wear this thick and heavy army coat. There was some clouds and fog so we could only see the sun after it was halfway up in the sky. Took the cable car back down, the view is quite different. Went to a temple after tat.
At the train station sth happened. It was almost time to board the train and a lot of ppl were queueing up. Then suddenly the PA announced that the train is delayed by 40mins and right when it read "40分钟" almost everyone lets of this loud moan and rushed back to grab a seat.
I was controlling my brother wif this walking stick that he picked up from the ground on Taishan.
Day 6: 15 June
We were susposed to go to my uncle's (mother's brother) house, but the car was too full, so i stayed behind and went to the market wif my grandma. The market changed a bit from wat i rmbed, but not much.
Had dinner wif relatives from my mothers family. It was one giant table and some of them i hav nvr met b4. Uncle brought us to KTV after dinner, but since i dun really like this sort of stuff i used my awesome stoning skillz.
Day 7: 16 June
Had my hair cut, it was dam long.Happy Birthday xD
Parents went to meet wif old friends, stoned again. Nearly got killed by tobacco smoke(commonly found everywhere in china)
Uncle took us to the bathouse in the evening.
Day 8: 17 June
Train back to Shanghai, stoning through the afternoon at aunt's house.
Aunt took us to Waitan (外滩) in the evening. it was awesomez, Shanghai is much more beautiful at night with all the lights, daytime its juz plain dusty. My grandpa seemed quite energetic when crossing the Huangpu river(黄浦江), he was from the Navy. Heard from my father tat he's the chairman of the local trade union last time, which would explain the 70 yr old stool from the landlord.
Day 9: 18 June
Had nth to do in the morning, so did Chinese HW, zzzz.
Went to the expo in the afternoon. China and Saudi Arabia pavilions' queues are so horrifying that we hav to take photos of either from the Nepal pavilion, which is conviently taller than most other places. The Korea pavilion looks like it's made wif cardboard and had magazine pages pasted over them.
View of the expo at night was super awesome, with all the lights. As said, shanghai is nicer at night. Went to the Singapore pavilion but it closed alr. Took a photo instead.
"the SG one looks like a ball with weird stuff poking out of it", I kinda agree
Day 10: 19 June
On the train again, this time to Shaoxin(绍兴). My grandma didn't wan to go becoz she liked the old Shaoxin better.
The sky there was blue, but it came at a price, the temperature outside is 37C.
Went to Lu Xun's old residence (鲁迅故居), scammers at the gate, offering "cheaper" tickets. They actually free for now, in exchange for the air-con though, T.T
Visited Shenyuan(沈园) at night. Its kinds spooky, especially when they hav green lights at night in a chinese garden.
Day 11: 20 June
Took a taxi to Keyan (柯岩). It was drizzling all day. The scenery there is quite nice, and the rain made it different, esp the lake.
Theres this tourism town near to it. Inside theres a place called 钱府, which describes stuff from 《狂人日记》by Lu Xun. Freaked my brother out.
Rain made my shoes wet and muddy :(
Day 12: 21 June
Susposed to go to Hangzhou, but my father had some extra tickets for places in Shaoxin, so we stayed.
Chionged to a lot of places
兰亭 - calligraphy place, peaceful and quiet. My mother got scammed though, she bought sth for 300RMB when theres ppl outside selling for 150RMB
大禹凌 - temple of the great ancestor lolz
东湖 - we were running of of time, so we took a small boat around the lake
Three days in Shaoxin, three differen weathers
"晒死,淋死,呛死" - my father
Went back to my aunt's house in Shanghai
Day 13: 22 June
My aunt hired a small bus and 16 of my father's family members went to Chongmin (崇明). Its a small island abt the size of Singapore near to Shanghai. Most of my father's family came from there and my grandpa's old house is thr too. It full of communist writings.
Chongmin had blue skies the last time i went, but this time the farmers are burning stuff so.....
Anyway, had lunch in Chongmin, with 30+ family members, tats half the total number according to my aunt lolz
My father took another photo wif his cousin and his family. Since my family is Singaporean and his family is American, my aunt calls the photo 联合国(United Nations)
Day 14: 23 June
My parents went to find their friends in shanghai, so my aunt suggest that me, my brother, my cousin and my grandma go look at the shanghai science center.
My brother pwned me in archery, and i was like wth? I pwned him ltr in this concentration game. Basically, you wear this headband which moniters ur brainwaves. Then if you concentrate harder then ur opponent, a ball on the table will roll towards him. My brother was wearing the less sensitive headband and his lyk the only person to lose wearing that headband, phail
Anyway they had a food republic food court there, and if i'm not wrong its run by Singaporeans.
Day 15: 24 June
Stoned, played Monopoly on computer and flew back to Singapore. Watched Alice in Wonderland on the plane.
Memory card got stuck in my com argh, got it out after like dunno how long.
Went to fetch my grandparent from the airport, they're very friendly wif my neighbours
Celebrated my birthday in some restraunt, father ordered too much, argh...
I wish tat you are happy, jingwen. tats all.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Monday, June 07, 2010
Com sci workshop again. Learnt calculas instead lololz. and the professor was saying that facebook could make a better search engine than google, becoz it noes a lot more about you, so it can search for the relevant stuff. Dun care, still gonna boycott anyway.
"Google tried to buy Facebook, but Facebook said: "Screw you, go away!"" lolz
Friday, June 04, 2010
SJChO went well except for qn3, can't really see the end point of titration properly and all three of us dun really noe how to do the qns -.-.
Random stuff:
I used the shirt of the RI guy sitting in front for a white background to compare since i'm lazy
Dumped organic waste together before mass dumping into waste container, got a few drops of universal indicator into it, and its cool. Some of it dissolved and turned yellow, some of it remained as green globules tat are insoluble.
Anyway, came back and decided to do CS homework for workshop. Totally hacked it with MATH. ok, so if i tell the program 3, it'll calculate (3+2+1) + (2+1) + (1). So generally, the time needed increases at n2 (ignore all the random stuff), whr n is the number i tell the program. And we're susposed to improve it to take less time. and with a bit of math, you can get everything dne in 1 step, no matter how big ur number is hehehe
Thursday, June 03, 2010
computing workshop, quite easy i would say, it's more of just the basics today. i hate the langauge they're using though, dam weird.
In C, "2 x 2"(=4) is written as "2*2".
In Scheme, which is the language for the course, its written as "(* 2 2)" zzzzzzz
it'll be much easier if it was in C, coz Scheme is confusing........
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
kite string was tangled, in one giant mess. Took me, my mother and grandparents a few hrs to untangle -.-
tat was juz a kite string, human confusions can take yrs to untangle....... kinda depressing
anyway, my bro got pissed and shut himself in his room. i suspect that he was playing com, so i unplugged the wireless and flushed him out
Tuesday, June 01, 2010