Thursday, July 29, 2010
had 2 hrs break before physics o, so i went to play "Munchkin" with my friends in the student lounge. Awsomez....
basically you hav lvls and you win when you reach 10. But since in our game, having a higher level than most ppl makes you a public enemy for extensive sabotage, the game lasted more than 1 hr, lol. in the end zhao xiu got a random automatic-play card and by pure chance it caused me to win. it was like fregging unexpected lolol.
oh and i came to the sudden realisation that Singapore Junior Physics Olympaid is next week -.-.
I hav my defense though, coz apparently i'm not the only one.
"SJPO is next week !?" - Physics O teacher
"Well...... Good Luck!" - teacher
Monday, July 26, 2010
chem lab must be haunted by a poltergeist today -.-.
three different people broke glassware. i spilled my conjugate base solution right at the very last step. luckily i only spilled a little bit and there was a bit of it left in the flask..... heng, if not have to like redo the whole thing in 5mins?
and we used a pH meter today, it was fregging awsome. i'm saying this becoz i screwed up the buffer solution qns during SJChO round 2 because universal incidator sux zzzz. come to think abt it, the prize presentation is this friday lolz
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Did some archiving just now. What happens basically is that I dig up all the notes and stuff from last sem, stack them in one pile, tie them up with 2 bookstraps and throw the whole chunk to the back of my bed. I got the idea from the WinRAR icon, haha.
It was this one huge chunk of random worksheets. Shows how hectic my life has been last sem..... but then again, it was because of the spamming that I got a nice CAP last sem(lots of sci, no english). In other words, since they're counting English in this sem with a super slack sci curriculum, I'm pretty much dead.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
zzz, the yahoo mail alert phail, so when i went to check theres this awsome spam of emails from over a month.
lyk almost a dozen ppl tried to invite me to facebk, but i'm not gonna care lolz
Thursday, July 22, 2010
ricardo is dam smart -.-, physics olympaid was susposed to be a 1 month module only, but they wanted to extend it to become semester long. and ricardo, being in charge is asking for opinions in class. obviously most of us have totally no idea and therefore nth is achieved. so.....
ricardo juz assummed that we agree it to be sem long first.... and "If anyone of you objects, then we'll just cancel this plan."
it seems like your given this awsome veto power, but in reality, who the heck would dare to complain after this -.-
anyway here's some random stuff from Yan Sheng, 3 yrs ago lolol, i still cant find a good explanation

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
the bad thing about learning physics olympaid is that you dun seem to mind very weird answers (lyk one thats has lots of surds in it) anymore, and that bad becoz these are usually the wrong answers in a exam -.-. but then again, the stuff in real life are all weird, so it might be a good thing after all.
..... after some time, depression doesn't even feel terrible anymore.....
Monday, July 19, 2010
i'm fregging awsome man.
my sch email account's password expired, so i had to go and change it, and i think i made a same typo twice while entering, now i can't access it anymore -.-
hav to go find the lab tech zzzzz
oh i forgot to talk about Alex. he was screwing ard in class, so much so that the teachers told him to concentrate for every single lesson today.
"Alex, do the questions and don't play your iPhone." - Ms Li, physics
"Stop playing with your iPhone Alex." - Mr Tan, math
"Wow, matrices......." - Mr Ng, chemistry (matrices is a math topic lol)
Friday, July 16, 2010
astro today is fregging jokez.
lets see ar, we tested out the cheap plastic scope and found that it sux, so we pointed it at stuff like the lights on the crane and the traffic light. it was so awsome that we could see the cracks on the light and the LEDs on the traffic light.
oh and JT's interesting sharing about cluster teacher, becoz the teachers have to pay for utilities, so one of them just brought a portable air-con and plugged it into the corridor power plug. and most ppl were wonder wat the wire was for lolz
Thursday, July 15, 2010
dotz, apparently physic o depends on luck. (unless of course if you are epic pwnage)
basically, me and some friends were discussing a qns in class together, and at some point we had this "sin (2A)" in our equations. we didn't even noe we're not susposed to use that, and when to fix another varible, and in the end it got canceled out and we suddenly realised we had a fregging simple solution.
the solution on the board looks horrible compared to the 5 step method that we got coz we were tyco, hahaha.
oh and the math is used in such a weird way that i feel totally pwned........
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
there's this snake outside of sch this morning, in the drain. apparently its brown and about 1-2m long.
oh and i'm almost done wif calculas chapter 1 notes, muahahahaha
"And what are you going to do during math lesson next time?" - ZY
er...... tats a gd qns.....
Sunday, July 04, 2010
feeling dam random, so.....
i dun think i'm taking bio next year, any1 wants to buy Campbell Biology textbook next year? lololz