Saturday, November 27, 2010
I SOLVED THE FREGGING SAILING QNS. And it runs the biggest cases well under the given time of 15secs too. xD
finally, took me three days(well ok, i got the routing part in 1.5 days but that one needed like 1min+ to process the biggest case.)
Thursday, November 25, 2010
to hell with sailboat, if i dun solve it tmr, i'm gonna kill ppl.
its here if you want to take a look (SAILING)
horrible horrible thing -.-
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
lolz camp ended, tmr can slp alr hehe. learnt some random facts.
1) The apple symbol has this part bitten off because some guy related to com sci committed suicide by biting off a poisonous apple.
2) The first computer programmer is a woman. (Which makes the gender imbalance for CS seem strange)
3) Building a 64-bit adder on a breadboard is the fastest way to get bald.
4) If you decide to be a millionaire, there's no need for Harvard since your going to dropout anyway.
5) Dr. Chong is a computer scientist -.-.
Monday, November 22, 2010
lol Com sci camp, there was a lot of stuff, so i'll juz post the most ownage 1.

Anyway, ur susposed to pay 1 ring/day, so no dumping the whole chain the first day.
Hint: Think out of the box
Sunday, November 21, 2010
went to watch Harry Potter ytd. they didn't change the plot much, so it was like everytime sth happens you noe excatly what will happen after that. the unexpected parts are in the little details, rather than the plot.
oh and who came up wif the idea of jokish kissing scenes? there were two of them and in harry potter and one of them is almost excactly the same as the one in megamind -.-I wasn't really joking ytd abt the emoing part you noe....... it has been a long year......
Friday, November 19, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
went for class outing, rode 2 hrs of bikes, then it started raining, so we camping in burger king and played truth or dare, or at least the other ppl did, i was leeching you see, hehe. it was fun.
Monday, November 15, 2010
not much to do these days, tmr is house activities again..... zzz
and i think i got 4.5 for CAP this sem...... hmmm
Friday, November 12, 2010
history is like super screwed up......, but then its quite funny. There's usually a cartoon for the first source and the one in this paper happened to have a large signboard with "NEVER AGAIN!" written on it. And that also happened to be my last history paper lolz.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
i screwed up my higher chinese, i know it because i checked with my teacher. BUT WHOS CARES.
strangely i dun feel relaxed at all, still feeling stressed. dun care, gonna throw my brain back into the jar and play till my eyeballs pop out xD
Sunday, November 07, 2010
My CCA ended quite some time ago, so I didn't bother to charge my handphone ever since. So when i turned it on a few days back the prepaid had already expired. Now I have a new number, lolz.
Thursday, November 04, 2010
..... PPV is juz so screwed......... I think out of the 35 marks I'll be happy with 15.........
Anyway, I decided not to care about it anymore, so I went to watch Megamind with classmates. Its awesomely jokez.
Monday, November 01, 2010
Got flu with mild fever yesterday -.-, tats like the worst possible time ever zzz.
Wasn't even sure what the heck i wrote for english, lets just hope that there's some logic in all that rubbish.
I took the medicine for flu after english........ Probably should have just skipped it, chem was lyk....... i dun even noe what I'm doing half the time.
Oh and physics and history tmr, GG