Friday, May 27, 2011
five point zearro, hehehe. ok thats mostly because i threw away naything that i didn't get A for lulz, but of course that wasn't really the reason i threw them away anyway
The Weekly Troll
"Hehehe, I didn't even go to the office to book it, I just walked in and took the pool table from the Vietnamese."
.....Going to return pool.....
"You know, maybe we should've just left it in the Games Room, hehehe....... Eh wait, where's the entry? .......Wait, so the Vietnamese didn't book either!?"
Pwned, this is one of the high levels of trolling, where for you don't even realise your being trolled badly as it is happening.They say time will heal..... it certainly doesn't for me.... It does not matter how happy I am in the day, I'll still end up crying at night.... I only wish for you to be happy, but is even that too much to ask for...?
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
lulz, ate ice cream, for free..... yea......
ok anyway, i was at the SAT prep course in the afternoon, and the teacher told us about sth. Apparently, a girl from RJC hanged herself on the basketball hoop back when RJC was in Mount Sinai...... And it so happens that Mount Sinai was the former campus for our school..... oo.... but i'm sure our current campus is fine, or else i would probably be dead by now lulz.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Woa, crazy, Mr Ricardo finished a few weeks worth of next sem's lectures in 1 day..... pwnage........ Its kinda screwed though, since i'll be missing 2 afternoons next week, its like missing 1/4 of a 3MC module. Gotta go photocopy someone's notes again..... Maybe I'll find Wayne Soo this time, Gloria's notes are too scary lolz.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
physics o class at NIE, 9-5 ytd, crazy hours, but it's still ok, they have a lot of cool stuff, and we ate sakae sushi for lunch too. (Wayne's asking for the 1 dollar for the green tea, i'm not gonna bother, lolol.)
went to 406 gathering right after the thing ended. thx to someone, we cross the road twice and missed four buses. but the gathering was quite fun, chilled ard.
The Weekly Troll
Thursday, May 12, 2011
zzz brain dead from doing yu jian's and gloria's museum guard thing.... dotz, its amazing how a simple problem can screw up so badly by just introducing 1 extra condition. nvm, i got it figured out alr, just need some time to code it.....
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
The Weekly Troll
"Hey, what would happen if I throw a tomato through a velocity selector?"
"Eh, there's induced charges ok, it'll cause the tomato to deform."
"Ya, but it'll still just go splat."
"Eh....., it affects the pattern of the splat ok."
Anyway, exams are over, chilling a day long.... yeah.....
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Monday, May 09, 2011
Had AP Physics today, can't discuss the FRQ questions yet, so I'll spoof it next time.
These few days are dam warm.... 33 degrees..... at midnight...... Raided the pantry freezer just now, wrapped the ice in a plastic bag and towel..... Dam life's good, lolz
Anyway, last exam on wed, chem. After that gonna call Zhenyu up and watch the scary movie.
Sunday, May 08, 2011
Watched GE till 3+, thanks to Potong Pasir recount. Quite amazing, Sitoh camped there for 10 years and finally managed to win, perseverance..... But then Chiam See Tong is out too...
I don't know, PAP didn't seem to do very well this time, lots of 50s in the percentages, and George Yeo lost Aljunied too. I don't really like the idea of a divided parliment, so I hope they could work on it. But hey, almost all the parties' overall percentages dropped.
I'm not sure, but it there does seem to be votes for the opposition purely for the sake of opposition. Like the Worker's Parties' Team in Nee Soon, they got 41% of the votes, but I have never even heard about them before Nomination Day.
Oh and the whole part of inflation -.-, lots of our stuff are imported you know -.-
Anyway, sth more personal
Physics O schedule
16 May - prac training @NIE, 9 am - 5 pm,
18-20 May - theoretical training @Physics Lab 3, 8 am - 5 pm
21 May - prac training @NIE, 9 am - 5 pm
23-25 May - theoretical training @Physics Lab 3, 1:30 pm - 5 pm
Siao liao, gonna be epic brain dead
Thursday, May 05, 2011
The Weekly Troll
DIY Troll
Try this:
Using the GC solve function, find the range of values whereby sin(x3-x) is positive, given that 0<=x<=2. Take a look at the answer carefully.
Monday, May 02, 2011

This, is why you are usually told to ignore air resistance when doing kinematics -.-. Mind you I'm not totally crazy yet, the last one is from GC zzz.