Thursday, July 28, 2011
k basically, Wayne said this
"Don't bother with delta star, it's useless."

The idea is that you can transform Delta to star and vice-versa in a circuit to analyse it. Wayne on the other hand like to inject 1V/1A into everything and whack equations. We weren't really thinking too much abt it till I applied this to capacitors and got a super nice solution for some screwed up question. So we formed a Delta-Star party and whacked everything with Delta-Star and......

We reduced this cube into a tetrahedral, and realised that there's a star configuration in the tetrahedral and ended up with two parallel triangles, which when analysed, is just 3 parallel pairs of resistors connected in series in a ring.
Of course, Mr Ricardo has another method which is much easier, but this method is just epic.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The Weekly Troll
"Now I'm sure that every one of you have a laser pointer in your household. Where your parents have been hiding it is in the black box called the DVD player. Now today, go back and open the box or smash it or whatever and take out the laser pointer and bring it to school tomorrow."
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
The Weekly Troll
"Why you take that drink? It's full of chemicals."
"...... Water is a chemical, glucose is a chemical, in fact, you're a chemical! You're a dense compound that is simple with few functional groups. As a result, you are usually slow in reactions for the rare cases that you actually react. However, you seem to be precipitating iron rather well."
Anyway, went to watch Harry Potter. It's awesome, and if you're gonna go watch, dun read the book b4 hand, it'll be more dramatic that way.
Brother's painting. I can't paint for nuts, but there's sth called the tomato, which I mastered for the sake of trolling wayne.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Someone left a sponge ball in the pantry. I picked it up, threw it at the wall, caught it, threw it at the wall again and caught it again, and threw it at the wall again and caught it again and..... then suddenly I thought of a Physics question and now I want to kill myself -.-. Moral of the story: Sponge balls don't relieve stress, not a single bit, especially if your in Physics O.
Thursday, July 07, 2011
Physics O today was the usual epic stuff that is dam interesting and yet makes ppl cry, but Mr Ricardo told epic stories.
1) Einstein's Driver
Einstein had a driver who would drive him to his seminars, and each time during the seminar the driver would sit and wait for Einstein to finish his talk and then drive him back. As Einstein was invited to many many seminars to give talks, all of which are almost about the same things, the driver eventually memorised the entire talk Einstein gave, after sitting through so many sessions. One day, Einstein was sick, but at the same time was again invited to a seminar. So, the told his driver "I'm sick today, and I really can't give the talk...... So how about you take my place, while I just sit down and take a rest. I mean you probably memorised all of the contents by now and the people there probably don't even recognise my face. You can just pretend to be me, and I'll pretend to be you. So, the driver went and gave the talk in Einstein's place. He memorised the contents so well that no one suspected a thing. At the end of the talk, as usual there was an Q&A session. However, the driver had sat through so many seminars that he even remembered all the common questions asked, and the questions were after all almost the same at each seminar. All was going well until a very difficult question was posed, and the driver really had no idea how to answer. So, he laughed instead, "This is a very easy question, so easy that even my driver could answer it." and he pointed towards Einstein, sitting in the front row.
Moral of the story: Hang around smart people, and you'll be smart too.
2) Epic student
There was an Indonesian international physics olympaid student many years back, even before my batch. The olympaid students had a series of tests from time to time. On the first test, that student scored full marks, on the second test he scored full marks, on the third test he again scored full marks, and on the fourth test, he scored full marks again. However, on the fifth test, he got zero. The trainer asked what happened to him and he said that he just can't think anymore. He was taken to the hospital and was diagnosed with a mental illness and did not participate in the olympaid after that. But when the trainer asked him what excatly happened for the tests, he said, plainly in front of the professor, that every night, Einstein came and tutored him physics and that's how he did so well. It was a hallucination, but the scary thing is that the student managed to write down formulas by Einstein that even the professor had not seen before.
I'll end of with sth else
The Weekly Troll
"In Vietnamese, tomato is called "cà chua" (ka chiu)".
"Ohhhh, so to pick a tomato is Pikachu!"