Sunday, April 22, 2012

Depression..... all around, where is that tiny spot of light that we are all looking for?

As time passes, our expectations, of ourselves and of others change. For the better or for the worse, is judged not only by ourselves but also by others around us. Perhaps at some point we realize that our expectations have become unrealistic, selfish and even intrusive. At that point, we will have to learn that others will have expectations too, and we cannot ignore them for our own. Maybe, to be understanding of all these is that light we all yearn for, maybe when we can let go of our own delusions and think more about how others feel, then we can truly begin to be happy.


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Collection of Horrible Power Jokes
What is power?
Indeed...... Watt is power.

To have power, you need to be current.
To have power, you need to be potentially different.
But to show your power, there must be resistance.

I2R you say?
That must be a powerful organisation!

Never look down upon imagination, for in every imaginary power, there is a component of real power.


Sunday, April 08, 2012

.......... seriously?
